We’ve integrated a set of Website Accelerator Programs into your Web Hosting Control Panel so you’re able to very easily improve the online functionality of your web sites. You won’t need to update anything with the back–end code or make particular configurations that demand tech knowledge from you. Inside the Web Hosting Control Panel, only opt for the tool you would like to implement – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish and create an instance for it. It’s all completed with a click. By accelerating your web sites, won’t just prevent your website visitors from being forced to wait but also will help your site get better positions in search results.

You’ll find the Website Accelerator Programs inside the Advanced Tools section of the Web Hosting Control Panel.


RAM–caching as an alternative to data base queries

When you have a data base–driven website or application, and database queries usually reduce the effectiveness, this can be really bothersome for the site visitors and the application consumers. Seeking out a resolution usually can take a lot of time. Nevertheless, within the Plus Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, you will find a resolution for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet robust memory–based object store, that memorizes information and objects in the RAM. By doing this, the database–saved information on your web site will not need to be querried whenever a visitor opens up the exact page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as an alternative for HTTP requests

Should you have content–loaded busy web sites with plenty of graphics plus clips, you will most certainly need to be sure that your web pages come up very quickly for your site visitors. An excellent instrument you can employ is the Varnish HTTP acceleration application that will help you quicken up your web sites without demanding that you have any particular tech competencies.

Varnish caches all demands towards the web server within the server RAM and delivers the pages immediately to the customer by avoiding brand–new calls to the web server. This way, all web pages on your web site are going to be loaded 300 – 1000x times faster to your website visitors. Additionally, you can decide if the inbound calls will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the hosting server, etcetera.

Hepsia File Manager


Meant for creating fast and flexible web apps

Web developers can make use of Node.js for developing all kinds of top–notch and also cost–effective tools including business statistics, live apps and website CMS, only to name a few. It’s truly quick and adaptable and is backed up by an involved community that keeps promoting and sustaining it.

Node.js is founded on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also uses an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that renders the API adaptable and extensible. This kind of innovative system allows for programmers to quickly build up powerful applications only using one particular language.

Hepsia File Manager