With the email forwarding enabled for any given address, all incoming e-mail messages will be sent to a third-party e-mail address that you've chosen although the latter will not be in the list of recipients and the email sender will never be informed where their e-mail will go. You can use this type of function if you have a number of emails since it will be easier to get all inbound messages in just a single mailbox rather than logging in and out of numerous ones all the time or setting up a variety of mailboxes within an e-mail client. If you manage a business or maybe an enterprise, the email forwarding is a method to check out all emails obtained by numerous departments for improved coordination. It's also possible to make use of this characteristic the opposite way round - an e-mail sent to a standard email address can be sent to multiple people.
E-mail Forwarding in Shared Hosting
You are able to forward any email hosted on our servers to one or more third-party email addresses with ease if you have a shared hosting plan with our company. The option can be activated and deactivated from the Emails part of the Hepsia Control Panel at any moment and you'll be able to view a list of all email addresses where your correspondence will be forwarded to. Additionally, you will have the choice to leave a copy of the inbound communications on the server and have a backup in case that you remove something from the remote email address. This feature can be rather useful if there is a temporary downtime with the other mailbox. Provided that it really is activated so we keep a copy of all your e-mails being relayed through our servers, you simply will not risk sacrificing e-mails.
E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you have a semi-dedicated server from our company, you'll need just a couple of clicks in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel to forward the e-mails configured on our end to a third-party address. In the very same section you will additionally have the ability to observe how many of your mailboxes are forwarded and where the incoming e-mails are sent. It is possible to activate or deactivate a forwarding account whenever you want and throughout the process you can also decide whether a copy of the email messages should be kept on our servers or not. Even though this option isn't a must have, it is quite handy as you will get a backup of the messages on our end in case that something occurs with the third-party email address. Even if they've got only a momentary issue, you risk losing e-mails as once our server gets and forwards a message, nothing at all will be kept on our end unless you selected a backup to be maintained.