PHP, which is a recursive abbreviation for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is amongst the most famous interpreted programming languages available out there. Any site or web-based application created using PHP will run on a given server as long as a PHP module is installed, which renders the language really universal and it’s not a big surprise that there are actually a couple of million web servers that support it and 100s of millions of PHP-driven sites hosted on them. PHP is preferred over HTML because it enables you to build an interactive site with a multitude of different features. A PHP-based community web portal, for example, will serve unique web content to each visitor irrespective of the fact that the page URL will stay unchanged. In contrast, HTML websites are static and the page content can be edited only manually. Like any other software, PHP has different versions and the one that was used whilst creating a specific website must be configured on the server in order for the site to behave flawlessly.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Hosting
With our Linux shared hosting service, you’ll be able to pick which version of PHP will be active for your account, as multiple versions are available on our servers. With just one click, you will be able to switch between PHP 4, 5, 7 and every time a new version is introduced in the future, we’ll include it in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel without removing the previous ones. In this way, you’ll be able to host all the websites that you have built throughout the years. In contrast with lots of other providers, we won’t force you to update such websites, because a script may be outdated, but this doesn’t mean that it’s insecure since you may have modified its source code to plug security breaches. For your convenience, you’ll even be able to set a different version of PHP for each individual site that you host in your shared hosting account.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you have a website created in a previous version of PHP and you have dedicated time and effort into setting it up, fixing safety loopholes and inserting web content, you’ll need to find a hosting service that can support it, as almost all hosting vendors nowadays offer only the latest PHP version and drop the earlier versions. We, however, have decided to let you choose the version that your own websites require. Our semi-dedicated hosting service support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8, which goes to say that you’ll be able to use both newer and older scripts without forfeiting any manual settings or misspending time trying to make your websites compatible with the hosting platform. The current version can be changed from the Hepsia Control Panel and such an update will affect the whole semi-dedicated server account, but you will also be able to select a different version for each individual site hosted in your account by using an .htaccess configuration file.