Our Website Installer will assist you to create your individual or enterprise site boasting its unique layout right away. Simply pick the style of website you desire to launch and then simply pick your design and style from the abundant assortment of web themes and just click on the Install button. Your brand–new website can be online within seconds. Utilizing the log–in info that we give you, you’ll be able to comfortably upload images and place your very own written text with a click of the mouse. When you need help uploading your website or editing its components, just get in touch with our tech support crew around the clock by way of your ticket system.

You will discover the Website Installer inside the Plus Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel that is included with each Linux shared hosting service, VPS servers, semi-dedicated hosting service, and Linux dedicated servers package on our web store.

An Instant Webpage Installation Tool

Publish your site with simply a click of the mouse

If you’re not experienced with website coding, it could be very hard for you to manage a site installation all on your own – if you don’t make use of user–friendly web site development applications like the speedy Website Installer that will be included in the Web Hosting Control Panel. To employ the tool, you just need to choose a design web template for use on your web site and afterwards set it up with merely a mouse click. You don’t have to have virtually any coding expertise to launch your web site. You can add brand new pages and publish text content and images to them extremely efficiently. If you do not like the modification you’ve made you are able to undo it and repeat the process. It is all simple to control.

Easy-to-use Website Installer

Hundreds of Website Templates Available

Launch your brand new site with simply a click of the mouse

To help you get hold of your brand new website on the web in a timely manner, we’ve crafted a collection of web templates you could use. Depending on the topic of your site, you can find an outstanding design theme for your blog site or image gallery or perhaps the optimal style and design for your personal portfolio. All themes are accessible for free–of–cost use in your Web Hosting Control Panel. We’re also working to make brand–new website templates in accordance with the most up–to–date style and design tendencies to be able to supply you with a better choice for your own web sites.

200+ Free Templates

7–days–a–week Technical Assistance Service

Contact us for assistance whenever you want

The technical support staff boasts a substantial experience with hosting and is in a position to help you with any sort of problems you may have working on your web pages. Moreover, you will discover a detailed Regularly Asked Questions library along with a line of how–to instructional videos that address the most frequent inquiries and issues. You can expect a one–hour resolution time period warranty, but, generally our customer support associates can reply in less than 30 minutes.

24/7 Support